By Poppie Cotton
Lori and Gina has come with the idea to make embroidery fun and easier. They have created Stamp and Stitch method, were you'll basically need to Ink the Stamp and press it in to the fabric.
After pressing the stamp in to the fabric, you'll need to press it with a hot Iron to dry the wet ink.
Than, begin to embroider your design with Floss.
In the past I have used different floss for my embroidery project, and I have find out that some floss bleed the color; which after working so hard on a project is over whelming to find out that your floss is not a good quality.
Thos are the Floss that I have used, and I didn't have any problems with.
Floss Recommended Brands:
Lecien Floss.
DMC Floss.
Lori and Gina has created a videos that will walk you in, How to use Stamp and Stitch
Here are some of the Stitched they have created for Stamp and Stitch Projects.
French Knot
Lazy Daisy Stitch
We hope you find this information helpful for your Stamp and Stitch project.
Don't forget to be Kind, Respectful and Cordial to each other!
Happy Sew!